Saturday 10 November 2007

Letters when daddy is away at Japan

Hello Daddy,

I'll be having my graduation concert on this Thursady,ie no postphone...too bad,you can't attend But mummy had taken two photo(s) of me wearing the costume,she said it's very nice & pretty! Do you want to see???????
ok,close your eyes and count 1,2,3.....

I'll perform my best on the actual day too.
Wish me all the best,ok.
May God Bless You!
Loves from,
23rd Oct 2007
Hello Belle,

Wow, you are so beautiful and charming!It is really too bad I cannot attend your graduation ceremony...But when I saw your photo and your smile, I believe that you will perform your best!My heart will be with you, always! and no matter how your performance, I still proud of you and love you. (because I had seen your performance many time at home)All the best for you :)

23rd Oct 2007
P/S please take a look on your handphone, I had sent SMS to you last night (on my way to airport)...

Dear Daddy,

I've seen your sms this morning...'cos mummy happened to rec'd last night when she email those photo(s).

Don't worry,we have ordered the concert dvd,so you can see my performance today(the video uncle recorded in today rehearsal).

I missed you,mei mei very good girl,she is my cutie.I'll love her and take care of her.

Love from
23rd Oct 2007

Dear Belle2,
I missed you too!Today I am busy with the motor show, but my heart is always with you...
Please take care and enjoy your show tomorrow!I am so happy that you have finally graduated from kindergarten!
Time really flies! My dearest baby has grown up to a beautiful girl!I treasure and cherish your growing up, from you are fetus to baby and to a big girl right now...
Thanks for missing me, loving meimei and listen to mummy...(and especially thanks mummy for writing these email and sending those photos!)
I love you all!Got to sleep now, tomorrow is another busy day, all the best to you :)
24th Oct 2007

Dear Daddy,

I've seen your e-mail this morning...'cos mummy happened to tell me you e- mail me so i reply you.......
Today is my graduation concert,I'm very excited...but I trying to be funny made mummy very angry!
We will be leaving ard 4pm,and the concert will end ard 9.30pm(Japan time will be 10.30pm),
so we wont be home if you call us.
Anyway,it's ok,you can read our email.
I believe I'll definitely enjoy myself at the concert.'cos it mean I'm bigger and going to P1 soon!
Maybe,mummy will take some photo(s) of me and my friends and teacher(depending whether we have time).
You will be able to see them when you are back...

Ok,then.Will tell you more when you are back.

Bye bye!

From you loving daughter,
(the 1st two sentences i wrote myself,the others mummy wrote on my behalf)
25th Oct 2007