Friday 18 May 2018

Song: A Thousand Storms

A Thousand Storms
Music by: Heather Sorenson

The rain it slaps and stings my face
The storms seems stronger than before
I call to You and seek Your grace
I sink beneath life's cruel downpour

The rain it brings me to my knees
I cry out louder to be heard
I seek Your calm and soothing voice
I long to hear Your healing word

Bring the rain
Of a thousand storms
It cannot wash away my worth
Nor down the praise for You in my heart
Holy are You, Lord
Holy are You, Lord

Of heaven and earth

The rain, it floods my aching heart
My strength is waning
Breath is weak
I pray Your love will not depart
Your love and grace I surely seek

Bring the rain
Your promise is greater than the storm
Even now as I'm swallowed up
You give me hope of a life transformed

Your promise is greater than any storm
Holy are You Lord
Holy are You Lord
Of heaven and earth

Mothers' Day song

More Than Enough
by Shawna Edwards
Maybe I’ll never know the love it takes
To make me a happy home that’s warm and safe.
And maybe I’ll never see how you pray for my every need 
And wonder what more you could do for me.

But when you walk by my side, 
Read me stories at night,
And teach me to trust in God’s love, 
You give me a hug, maybe two,
And you say, “I love you”
Then I think you’re doing enough.

Maybe you wonder if you’re teaching me
Every good thing that I can someday be,
But all that I know of faith, 
And of kindness and love and strength
I’ve by just watching you every day.

So when you stay by my side,
Hear me stories at night,
And teach me to trust in God’s love,
You give me a hug, maybe two, 
And you say, “I love you”
Then I think you’re doing enough.

Someday I’ll have a home, a family,
And I’ll love them just as much as you love me.
Then maybe you’ll finally see 
You have given enough for me;
A gift that will last through eternity.

So when you stay by my side,
Hear my stories at night,
And teach me to trust in God’s love,
You give me a hug, maybe two, 
And you say, “I love you” 
Then I think you’re more than enough.
And I’m blessed every step by your love.

A checklist for me...
Did I shower my girls with God's love & teach them to trust in His unfailing love...

Wednesday 28 March 2018


A very touching one...The Lord knows what we have been going thru...nothing(our pain, tears, suffering etc) is wasted for the Lord.

Indeed, God wants us to carry our own cross for a reason...
A reminder: Not to grumble or complain or resort to my own ways...else may face serious consequences!!

Wow, isn't it wonderful to know that the Lord receives us personally when we persevere in our faith journey...

Specially dedicate this song to Belle & Honey,
May this song touch your heart....
With love, Mummy

不管你已走了多遠 不管你感覺多累
寂寞的路途 放不下的感傷
或在黑暗的角落 或在抉擇的路口
你的眼神中 有藏不住的憂傷
越是軟弱 他的愛越堅強
讓他安慰你 寬恕你的過往
回家的路 有他一路陪伴