Saturday 9 June 2012

Practical steps to help Control our tongue(words)

First of all, you must agree with this, I cannot control my tongue, but Christ can control what I say through me. Yes, your emotions are hitting sixteen when they are designed to stop at ten! Your whole body is screaming for release and steam is fairly billowing from your ears. I understand that. But if Christ cannot control my tongue, then He is not omnipotent! It is that simple. If there is anything where He is limited, then He is not God! What to do? Practical steps: 1. Practice the presence of God in your life every second of the day. 2. Practice allowing Him to face the small issues'then when a BIG one comes you will have practiced for it. 3. Avoid confrontations when you are emotionally drained, exhausted, or not feeling well. Just retreat and say, "Let's discuss this later." 4. Isolate yourself until the steam stops coming out your ears! 5. Bite your tongue if necessary to keep it from spewing out invectives,expletives, or half-truths 6. Never use the words "YOU NEVER" or "YOU ALWAYS." 7. Begin thanking God for His power to overcome, for controlling you, for giving you insight, for fighting this battle for you. 8. Stop reliving the incident again and again. "I should have said... What did she mean with that remark? He always lies about everything! She doesn't have a brain in her head. I'll get even'just you wait and see!" And infinitum! Yes, sticks and stones may break my bones, but those broken bones eventually heal. Words cause wounds that may never heal.

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